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From Craig Brooke, KeyInvest CEO Strictly speaking, private credit (or debt) is a sub-asset class of fixed income where companies borrow and investors lend. However, some of its characteristics align it more with alternative investments rather than fixed interest. However, is it now large enough to have formed its own...
An inverted yield curve can be a signal that there will be a recession - and the current one is concerning investors.    However, "yield curves are not as reliable as expected as there are a number of factors that one has to consider", says Equity Trustees Asset Management. "An inverted yield...
Within fixed income, there are two well-known levers, duration and credit. However, there is also a lesser known third lever, Pure Relative Value investing. Scott Osborne, Investment Specialist at Ardea Investment Management, explores how this third lever provides compelling diversification benefits for investors when blended with duration and credit. Investors...
J.P. Morgan Asset Management has released its 2024 Long-Term Capital Market Assumptions (LTCMAs), providing a 10-15-year outlook for risks and returns across asset classes. The research provides actionable insights as investors look to build smarter portfolios in the midst of a transition from disinflation to reflation, and from policy...
Investors need to navigate a fragmented economic outlook and higher volatility risk in 2024. Global growth will decelerate, driven by slowing developed economies and a mild recession in the US in H1.  Growth differential between Emerging and Developed Markets will reach a five year-high. India will grow faster than...
If history is any guide, at this juncture bonds may be a more attractive proposition than equities, at least in the short term. From Henry Neville, Portfolio Manager, Man Solutions Let’s begin with a mea culpa. In my note of 18 May 2023, I wrote that the risk/reward for equities versus bonds...
From Garrett Roche, CFA, FRM, Global Market Strategist at Principal Asset Management The recent and sudden rise of U.S. Treasury yields has pushed long-term interest rates above the highs seen in October 2022 and even those observed before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in late 2007. This swift and significant...
Global investment grade bonds are back, with quality issuers offering opportunities for investors to diversify portfolios and realise the potential for attractive returns. After last year’s sweeping sell-off, analysis of corporate fundamentals is returning to centre stage and investment grade bonds are set to resume their historical position as resilient...
As interest rates around the world continue to rise, the attractiveness of fixed income investments has become increasingly compelling, and bonds now offer far more attractive yields than they have in many years. As the broader economic outlook remains challenging, how do investors take advantage of this to maximize return...
Opinion piece taken from Nuveen’s Global Investment Committee mid-year outlook. The following outlook includes directions to investment destinations where the water may prove warmer and more inviting than in others — provided swimmers exercise caution and stay aware of their surroundings. Many wary market participants are sitting on high levels of...

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